Friday, July 07, 2006

From Outta the Ether

I still exist. I think. Some famous frog said these processes imply each other. Maybe it was that frog that used to hawk Golden Rice Cereal or whatever that shit was called.

Maybe. Anyway, this is just one of those pointless entries in which I tell you I know I've been gone & all that but I'll be postin' pretty soon. Which is true. I think.

My complication had a complication which has made it difficult to find time to maintain this chronicle. But the job I'm on will be over by the end of next week. I should be posting some time around then.

I even have some shit I've written out, but it's longhand incoherent, and I don't have time to decipher or transcribe it at the moment.

I thought you'd be happy to hear that. All my friends. (My imaginary friends esp., as there are
way more of them than the flesh & blood kind.
) I hope it'll keep you from doing something rash like slitting yr. wrists or buying Cubs season tickets or spaying &/or neutering yourself or gargling w/ Drano. Trust me: that stuff tastes like ass.

I know how important I am to you, and I apologize for making you wait.

Buuuuuttttt seriously, folks....