So I wake up and see Patrick Swayze & Keanu Reeves rubbing nipples. They’re rubbing each other’s. They’re rubbing their own. Worst of all, they’re rubbing their own nipples against one of the other fella’s nipples.
Swayze’s tits are brown, and patterns have been drawn across them in red lipstick: ancient Celtic runes that spell out, “When the moon hits yr. tit, you’re a big piece of shit—Go a-whoring…” (To the tune of “That’s Amore” BTW.) Patrick Swayze shits and then giggles. (He’s naked.) He’s all shits n’ giggles. He rolls in his own shit, crying, “Packages of paper plates—one hundred plates for only 60 cents!!!”
Now he’s coming all over himself, moaning, “Uunnnhhh…” He smells like that thick paste they used to give you in elementary school art class. Not Elmer’s glue, but that heavy goopy shit w/ the brush attached to the underside of the lid. The brush always got all crustyand clotted, ultimately becoming entirely useless, (like Patrick Swayze,) and you had to mix the paste together or it’d breakdown into a solid white block—sorta like tofu—surrounded by fluid that has the texture and smell of two month old skim milk.
In fact it’s all entirely like Patrick Swayze, who’s breaking down into solids & liquids even as we speak. There is a horrible musty smell.
Trying to help, I charge at him w/ giant plastic lid brandishing the enormous crusted brush that isfixed to its underside. I scream, “Don’t die, Patrick Swayze! Please don’t die! I want to lick the crevices between yr. legs & yr. anal-genital region, dragging my tongue over to yr. hairy, creased prostate, the insides of yr. legs and then back to yr. nuts—nibbling gently, taking each 1 in my mouth one at a time and sucking on them like a Willy Wonka™ jawbreaker. (Willy Wonka being, once again, a major motion picture—this time starring Johnny Depp, who’s desperately trying to recapitulate the legacy of that poor fag Gene Wilder, against whom the revenant of Gene Roddenberry has begun a legal action to maintain excusive rights to the name Gene.
Johnny Cochran’s dead ass will be leading Wilder’s Own Dream Team, & Ironside will be spearheading the Roddenberry offensive. (Of course, neither one of ‘em’s anywhere near the courtroom at the moment.) Roddenberry will be drooling all over himself right in the courtroom, because apparently rising from the grave to avenge yourself on Gene Wilder has the effect on the cadaver that a big ol’ shot o’ Novocain has on you &/or me.
(Except I know, the R—Gene R., I mean—is buried in space—for really, if you never heard—and but I still bet he’d rise from hiz space grave the same ol’ way…)
By incredible coin- cidence, Keanu and an unrecon- stituted Pat are sittin’ on the jury. Alf is a character witness because he plays a character on TV. Alf has shit encrusted in the fake plush fur stuff that lines his ass. (Sorta like that crap caked in the brush of the jar of paste we discussed earlier.) It’s hard to wipe it away cuzza alla that fur. Alf’s asshole is loose because although he’s sentient, he can’t move or speak w/o a puppeteer’s hand up his ass to guide him. (But then we’ve all had days like that, haven’t we?)
That stupidass puppet is doin’ some whole wanna be vaudevillian routine about a hung jury—and how he hopes it doesn’t come to that, ‘cuz boy is he committed to breathing and eating the occasional cat. (Hadda love that whole running gag from bro. Alf’s old show! Eatin’ cats. Talk aboutcher subtle double entendres there, eh?)
The faceless judge—too horribly haloed to be viewed by mortal eyes—(‘tho sounding suspiciously like Elizabeth Elmore)—gavel-slams her podium and tells Alf to shut the fuck up before he is hung! She then otherwise calls for order so the trial can resume…
Another part of the team that’s defending Gene W. —or maybe he’s prosecuting the case for Gene R. —sorry I’m getting’ a tit bit confoozled by this pt.—is Ricardo Montalban—and not just any Ricardo Montalban, ‘cuz remember, we are dealing w/ Gene Roddenberry hizzelf or at the very least, his revenant. So naturally, of course, what we’re finding here is decidedly not Mr. Rourke—nor his main man, much bemoaned and be-missed Tatu a.k.a-47 Herve Villechaize.
(Man, those guys had chemistry, did they not? I mean Montalban n’ Villechaize. Try saying that one 50 times fast whilst walkin’ backwards in a straight line and tapping the tip of yer nose w/ alternating fingertips, which is the new method of sobreity-testin’ about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting and inebriated public by the Cook Co. sheriff’s dept. which has little else to do w/ our current narrative because of course, given alla Hollyweird assholez in attendance haz to be takin’ place in good ol’ L.A. C.A. itself or leastwise in some surroundin’ suburb thereof, but then, who really gives a shit about alla that anyway? Am I right?)
We now return you to our previously scheduled hallucination, wherein one Mr. Herr Montalban is appearing in Klassic Khan getup, as in Khan from Star Trek—and if you’re some snotnoze who only knows the movie, The Wrath of Khan, well ya, we are speaking of the TIT-jewel-are character—y’know the one who Shatner shrieks KHHHHAAAAANNNNNN at in a echoey operatic shriek, accompanied by the most grandiose reverse tracking shot of any film ever made—from a dude’s pudgy sweaty face (Shatner’s, of course) to an orbital view of the planet ‘pon which the fat asshole is standin’ or wobblin’ or whatever that poor fuck does when he’s semi-erect. (On his feet, I mean, sleazoids.)
Well our man Rick is done up like Khan, but not like he was in the 2nd slick flick in the Trekkie shtick. Nope. He’s dressed like Khan from the original episode, “Space Seed.” Which means among other things that rather than a cool 80s style gigantic Mötley Crüe type Frizzador, he’s wearin’ a slick, severely parted, pony-tailed doo, which reveals just how suspiciously much he resembles that hatchet-faced bitch Mrs. Olsen from Little House on the Prairie. All the fucker needs is a bonnet and a gingham skirt n’ Mr. Olsen would be goin’ spurt spurt allover hiz manly goodies.
But no, insteada that, ol’ Rick is begarbed in a wine-colored Ricardo-tard—open, sexily at the throat, whereat gobs of chest hair tufts, tribble-like. And the mincing prick is directing some elaborate closing remarks Alf-wise.
I’m gonna go w/ him representing Wilder, as look how crappily the Trek franchise used him! Only 2 goddamn appearances in like 40 years—and we all know 2 things: “40” means “many” in biblical Hebrew—apparently ‘cuz that’s how many fingers n’ toes we have to count our bombs we drop on Lebanon every while in a once when we get real bored n’ pissy—and that “dumb” spelled backwards is “mud,” according to the Warnerian logic of one Bugs Bunny.)
And guess what—ol’ Ricardo can’t even stay in character, ‘cuz his remarks all have to do w/ Corinthian leather and how shmoooooove it is just like those car commercials he did. And but no wonder they never invite this withered pansy to the Trek conventions!
But oh wait! Do you smell some- thing bad?!? ‘Cuz I sure do! Smells like burning hair and shit! And that’s becuz some demented freak has given ol’ Alf not so much a hot foot as a hot ass! (Just like that DuChamp painting.) Whichiz to say that they’ve lit Alf’s tail fur on fire! (Fur sure!) And pity the poor puppeteer whose elbow-bone is now encircled in flame! And the stupidass puppet starts running about, screaming, and thereby igniting the gluey n’ flammable puddle o’ Patrick Swayze!
And worse cuz now it’s apparent that someone really wuz after sabotagin’ the wheels of justice by procuring a mistrial for the party he/she represents! (Not sure which one—wasn’t clear that either of ‘em was gonna win r’ lose the rites to the name Gene, I mean. Shit—remember, after all, that we don’t even for sure know who Khan is representin’—I just made an educated guess—let alone whether or not he’s doin’ a good job at this point.) ‘Cuz but now the whole courthouse is sputterin’ and sparkin’. (Just like an electrocuted scientologist mite, I ‘magine.)
Pretty soon the whole place is bein’ licked (huhuhuhuhuhuhuh) by flame! And a hellish scene ensues! Keanu Reeves runs and calls out, “Wo!” Where the puddle o’ Patrick Swayze pooled, bubbles boil, toil and trouble the air! Alf is blazing, shrieking shockingly, and running about in circles. (Hasn’t he ever heard of “stop drop n’ roll” B4???) And thereby feedin’ the inferno even more expediently. Way to go, Alf! Thanks bunches!
Ceiling beams come crashing to the floor! Gene Wilder scampers about in Purple Pants he stole from Prince—top hat and cane waving uselessly as a chorus of Oompa Loompas chases him toward the flamin’ courtroom door, caroling “Sodomy!” And then, like fishmongers, “Fresh meat!!” And but man those are gonna be some disillusioned Oompa Loompas—a pissy enuff labor cartel to begin w/ dontcha think?—when they find out just how flabby Wilder’s overused plughole is!
And like a vampire in a Hammer horror film, or a rock in Jenna Bush’s crack pipe, Gene Roddenberry’s carcass goes up immediately at the first touch of the flames! Fuckin’ undead. When confronted w/ fire, they never could maintain their structural integrity. (Wo! Where’s Harold Washington when we need him?) Pussies.
And pretty soon, the courthouse has become a veritable antechamber to hell Fire! Blood! Screaming!
The fires subside, and other than the creaking of its flame-gutted edifice, the ruined courtroom stands silent. Everyone involved has either fled, (e.g. Reeves,) fried, (i.e. Swayze,) or disappeared mysteriously at the first sign of trouble. (Khan, you did it to us again—and this time w/ Oompah Loompah collusion, I suspect.) Only Alf remains—improbably. Sure all his fur’s gone, but you gotta wonder what sorta invulnerable stuff his core is made outta. Yes, only Alf—beautiful Alf—remains—lying on the floor, smoldering in deep shock—dying for no reason at all—to tell the tale of The Cataclysm of Courthouse C!
We’ll be right back with Judge Wopner’s ruling…
Buy dildoes! Thank you! And now back to our program…
Well, heh. This is an odd one, folks. Bear w/ me here: Judge Wopner has no ruling. Judge Wopner’s been dead for several years. Don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I’m really starting to show my age aren’t I? Oh well…
Anyway well so that was a real hoot. Juss remember: the next time you have a grievance w/ some other asshole who’s stolen yr. name—like Gene Roddenberry did here—don’t take matters into yr. own hands. Take ‘em to court. Where you and everyone else involved can be engulfed in flames that’ll spring from some stupid puppet’s ass that also has someone’s hand shoved up it. Or something.
See ya!
(P.S. Whasssat you say? Earlier, I implied that the Judge wasn’t Wopner at all, but rather superfox Liz Elmore? Well, I’m sure you’d agree that’s a stupid idea, ‘cuz what would Liz be doin’ caught up in something so tawdry as alla this?
Anyway, if she does have something to say about it, I’m sure we’ll be hearing about it on her next album! Which is just about to be released! More on that to come! Hurrah!)