Maybe. Anyway, this is just one of those pointless entries in which I tell you I know I've been gone & all that but I'll be postin' pretty soon. Which is true. I think.
My complication had a complication which has made it difficult to find time to maintain this chronicle. But the job I'm on will be over by the end of next week. I should be posting some time around then.
I even have some shit I've written out, but it's longhand incoherent, and I don't have time to decipher or transcribe it at the moment.
I thought you'd be happy to hear that. All my friends. (My imaginary friends esp., as there are way more of them than the flesh & blood kind.) I hope it'll keep you from doing something rash like slitting yr. wrists or buying Cubs season tickets or spaying &/or neutering yourself or gargling w/ Drano. Trust me: that stuff tastes like ass.
I know how important I am to you, and I apologize for making you wait.
Buuuuuttttt seriously, folks....