Monday, February 14, 2011

Savage Meaningless Sarcasm, Part 3


OK... So with that out of the way...

Here's more of my exciting screenplay! I won't bore you with more explanations! Go back and read the last 2 acts if you want those!!!

Acts 4 & 5 of this tense pshycho-drama will be up soon! I know I'm slitting my financial wrists and throat here by putting this up for free, but at the same time feel obliged to note that if you're hooked by now--and who wouldn't be?!?--contact me if you'd like to shoot this baby! It's still up for grabs!

So… Away we go with…



Fox News Celebrity BILL O'REILLY and nationally syndicated sex advice columnist DAN SAVAGE remain trapped together in a stalled elevator car. They have been here for some time now, and both men are showing signs of stress.

The lighting is DIM due to the lack of full power.

There is a strange BLURRINESS to Savages visage, which makes it impossible to know what he really looks like--or to describe him.

The two men have been arguing, and now a long silent moment passes. Then O'Reilly sighs.


But if this keeps up, we may have to find a way

out of here. And if that happens, we'll probably

have to work together. In which case, I guess we

should getused to talking to each other at least

a little. Maybe we should practice.

He looks as though he's just bitten into something that tastes bad. So does Savage.


Well, OK... What's something we might both feel

strongly about--enough, you know, at least to

have a conversation about that lasts for more

than a few sentences?



Um, you know, I really don't know. The weather?

It's been really sort of strange lately. And

I'm pretty conservative, so I guess I think

ideas about global warming are... exaggerated?

I think…I'm not really sure what I think about

that. It's almost as though I haven't really

thought about what about what I think about

that enough to know what I think about that to

know what I think about that in real life,

i.e., when I'm not on this elevator ride. FWIW.

Savage blinks 6 times in quick succession.


Well, what I find really hopeful about this as

a proposition is that you're a true liberal.


Am I?


Well, you must be. I mean, you write all those

...columns or whatever about...well... sex...

And... you... are...well...


...a homosexual!

Now in his element, O'Reilly is speaking with a little more assurance, the alarming insecurity he's been demonstrating for the past few moments has dissipated somewhat. He boldly lifts a hand, as if to silence an argumentative Savage, who actually is not argumentative at all, but seems to've drifted into a sort of trance state while O'Reilly orates.


I'm not judging! I'm not judging! Right now, no

one is judging. But these are facts. Yes?

Savage glances up from the floor, apparently, drawn back from some cognitive gulf.


Uh. Yes.

O'Reilly smiles indulgently.


Traditionally, homosexuals such as yourself

have allied with socially liberal elements,

those more tolerant of moral irregularity.


A lotta times.

O'Reilly is put off by Savage's laconic manner. He makes some inarticulate squealing noises as he occasionally will on television when he can't find the right words.


They have. They have.


OK. Probably.


Well. So liberals believe in global warming.

So you are probably a liberal, I assume.


Me too. But I'm not sure.


You don't know?

His incredulity renders him momentarily into something like an avatar of Daffy Duck when confronted with the idiotic rubedom of Elmer Fudd, who for the 1200th time is talked into a Rabbit Season/Duck Season switcherroo.


B-but. Everyone's a liberal or conservative and

knows it. Otherwise how do you know what boring

thing to say when somebody brings up topic that

somebody else brought up on NPR or in the Wall

Street Journal or on Yahoo News or wherever

(maybe even on the Chicago Cubs Discussion

Board off topic section, god help you)? How do

you know who not to vote for on election day

even though you act all self-righteous about

everyone else being stupid and evil and how

they all vote for the wrong people?

Savage is now humming "Wind Beneath My Wings," apparently oblivious to the gathering storm clouds of O'Reilly's pique.


See! See! You're humming a Bette Midler song!

You're a gay liberal! I told you! So like you

must believe in greenhouse stuff! Ha! See? And

I must not! 'Cuz like I'm all right wing! I

must be all like haha! Let's regulate

environmental stuff even less! Let's pour DDT

in our morning coffee! I wanna use it in place

of KY jelly when I zoink my wife! Well not

really... I want my gardner to have to use it

on his wife, but they better be legals. I guess

that's what I probably maybe what I think. I'm

really just projecting on what I think based on

what I say on my retarded show when it's

occasionally watched for around 15 minutes. I

don't think that hard about what I think about

environmental stuff beyond that. Go with the

flow, I always say. Unless it's the flow of

illegal immigrants, drugs, terrorists, etc.,

and other predictable stuff us right wing

scare mongering pundit types hate. I guess.

For all I know, I maybe have 1-2 things where I

buck yr. expectations like maybe I do care

about climate change. But I wouldn't bank on

it. But enough about me. What do you think

about climate change, liberal?

Savage clears his throats, produces some 3X5 CARDS from somewhere, shuffles through them, shrugs, then tosses them aside.


Um well for 1 thing?

O'Reilly nods.


We never established I really was a liberal,

remember? I am gay. That's obvious. I do write

a nationally syndicated column offering people

advice about how to improve their sex lives.

I'm sorta the Dr. Ruth Westheimer of the New

Millennium for all you old fuckers. What an

achievement! And sure, at least 60% of my

advice involves encouraging people to explore

sodomy--not homosexuality, but sodomy. Ass play

can be butt loads--you'll paradon the

expression--of fun, even in a hetero






Yeah, 'cuz check it out:

From an unseen pocket, he produces a slightly blemished (and one assumes not esp. cool) CUCUMBER.


You can insert.

He thrusts gently Bill-wards...


Or have inserted.

He points the cucumber at himself.

O'Reilly bats the cucumber away.



Get that thing out of here! That's sick! Mr.

Savage, that's sick! Now I must ask you to

remain decent. Clearly, the weather is not an

appropriate topic. Though we still need

something we will both feel strongly about.

So... why not get right down to it.

O'Reilly smiles boldly.


Gay marriage.

Savage offers no visible reaction.

O'Reilly spins his hands in front of him as if indicating that Savage has been traveling and that they opposing team should now take possession of the ball.


Gaaaayyyy... marriage.

Savage may blink. It is somehow unclear--perhaps due to his nondescriptness.

O'Reilly shimmies in place in a posture of painfully contained potential.


Mr. Savage? Now you must feel strongly about


Savage glances at him uncertainly, and O'Reilly nods some encouragement.


(CONT.) a homosexual.


Well... you'd think I might. I remember I got

pretty upset when that kid killed himself after

his roommate videotaped him having sex with

another guy and put it up on YouTube.


(nodding, eagerly)



And well, I am gay, as you've noted. But so is

Ben Stein, and he's very conservative.

O'Reilly is thunderstruck.


Ben Stein is...!

He sputters wordlessly. His eyes bug out. His jowls inflate, then deflate. He loosens the top button of his shirt, then swallows noisily. He leans in close to Savage desperately, confidentially.





Um hum. Or at least he really comes across that

way, doesn't he?

O'Reilly sags. He slaps his forehead then lets his hand slide down his face, dragging his features with it--for now he has assumed the aspect of Daffy Duck.



Mr. Savage, that is not funny!


What's funny? Shaq seems gay too, & they do

those commercials together. Anyway, you're

right: gay marriage should be a corker of a

theme for you & I to chew over while we pass

the time, stuck here in this elevator.

Nevertheless, I feel the need to assert that

despite the very substantial likelihood that

I'd assume a 'pro' position relative to the

issue, I am unable to confirm that position at

this time.


Now why in the world would that be true? Are

you saying you don't know how you feel about

the issue of gay marriage? That you're many...

followers... should just be content with being

left in the dark?


I am not saying that I don't know how I feel

about the issue. I am saying that I am unable

to ascertain how I feel about it. It's as

though there's some strange veil of

uncertainty around me--as if the universe were

unwilling to let that information to be known

or if some strange force were unwilling to get

of its ass and be a conduit to the outside

universe by way of looking it up maybe.

O'Reilly looks troubled.


I know what you mean. I felt... something.

Something like that when I was talking about

global warming. It wasn't that I didn't know

what I thought about it. It was that the

concept of my knowing just... wasn't

realized... or hadn't been deemed important

enough to be looked into.

They both look frightened for a moment. Then bored. Then frightened again. Then bored. Then frightened.


How long have we been on this elevator?

O'Reilly glances at his watch.



23 minutes now.

Savage hits the alarm again, but nothing happens. He makes small whimpering noises. 'Tho barely audible, they make him sound a bit like a frightened Scooby-Doo.

O'Reilly cringes.



Mr. Savage, please! Try and stay calm.

Savage becomes quiet.


Here, let's try to take your mind off of all

this for a moment... May I ask you something?

Why is it that homosexuals...

O'Reilly makes a spinning gesture with one hand in the air, as if conjuring something, but suddenly, instead, he is pointing at Savage.



...such as yourself fantasize so much about

"converting" straight men...

O'Reilly straightens his spine, bending his arms at the elbow as if he were leaning on a desk--(he is, in fact, probably wishing he had a desk to lean on at this point, as his illustrative schticking has been developed carefully over years to include one...)



...such as myself to homosexuality? What is so

especially arousing about that?

Savage starts laughing. O'Reilly joins him, as he joins embattled guests in laughing on his show--not so much because he shares any amusement they may be feeling, but rather because he knows (and they know) that they are not amused. They are terrified. O'Reilly has them cornered, and the spin stops here.

As the laughter subsides, O'Reilly, raises eyebrows, lowers head implacably and stares at Savage.


Bill, do you really believe that all gay men

have that fantasy?

O'Reilly doesn't enjoy thinking about this question in such detail, but refuses to back down.


Well, yeah, most... seems to be what you hear.


Do you think gay men are more turned on by

straight men than they are by other gay men or




Oh ho ho! Well... I certainly wouldn't know as

well as you would Mr. Savage, but aren't gay

men always talking about "fresh meat" and

things like that?

For a moment, Savage seems absolutely uncertain how to respond. He sputters in a manner reminiscent more of Yosemite Sam than Daffy Duck. Then he thinks better of it.


Do you think most gay men would want to have

sex with you?

O'Reilly looks horrified.


I don't really care, Mr. Savage. I don't want

to have sex with them. And if you're going to

make this topic personal, maybe we should move

along to something else. Now then... to help

us pass the time... Gay marriage... Pro...

O'Reilly less than subtly flips a limp wrist, pauses, rolls it over into a firm but not at all fascistic fist...





I've already told you that I can't say what my

position on gay marriage is--not because

I don't have one--or because I do--nor,

necessarily, because I'm unwilling to reveal

any position that I do hold... and boy, do I

hold positions, and you should too, Bill.

Here's something that'll bring a breath of

fresh air into your bedroom: Have you ever

tried the Dirty Sanchez? Like you maybe you

consider broadening your horizons. I'm sure

your lady and you--much like oh so many other

couples who come to me seeking advice--and

emphasis here should be on come--ha ha ha!

--come on, Bill!--That's funny!--Ha ha ha!

Come on Bill! Except wow! I really don't wanna!

But maybe you should get your lover too? Have

you ever explored "heavy glazing?" I know your

lover must be a lady. What man would have you?

Just kidding, ladies out there! Some of my

best friends are women. Just like on Will &

Grace. I always wanted to bang my tits against

some straight chicks tits like that Jack and

Karen did on there. Well, in a commercial

anyway. I mean, I'm not gonna try n come off

so cool as to say I never watched that show,

'tho as those of us who have watched it mostly

know--outside it's normal viewership,

godluvyah--it's a glop of infected horsesnot,

but like a glop of infected horsesnot, once

you turn it on, it just sticks there and

congeals, and you see all these famous

straight people in it patting themselves on

the back for pretending they're gay like Harry

Connick, who we can all tell, at a glance is a

ragin' Cajun homophobe if e'er I did see one.

But like I only watched it when my dial hit it

and there was nothing, nothing, nothing better

on or there was just some dumb shit that

somehow caught me eye at that moment and made

me say... "what the fuck is that," y'know?

O'Reilly has been sputtering and waving frantically for some time now and finally manages to cut in.


But but but! I like Will & Grace!

He looks horrified. Without thinking, he has revealed something about himself that threatens the iconic edifice of Bill O'Reilly, Culture Warrior.

Savage stands by, nondescript and impassive.




I mean... I'm not gay...




But I like that show.


Which means you have really bad taste.

O'Reilly is too relieved to be pissed. Then he seems troubled.


Say, wh-wh-what's this Dirty Sanchez thing you

were talking about?

Savage looks over both shoulders, as if worried that someone might be eavesdropping.


It's when...

He leans into whisper into O'Reilly's ear.

After a moment, O'Reilly recoils. He slaps his hands to his face in an approximation of Macaulay Culkin's famous Home Alone pose, except in those case, each of O'Reilly's pinkies is positioned directly below its corresponding nostril. He looks absolutely shocked.

As tends to happen when O'Reilly is agitated on the air, his voice breaks like Peter Brady's, as he speaks now.


Mr. Savage! That is... disgusting! And I will

thank you to keep your physical distance from

me as well.

Savage sneers at him.


Why don't we talk about gay marriage some more?




So far, we've only explored my feelings about

gay marriage, and they've remained as

undefined as my physical appearance.


(distantly troubled)



So...what are your feelings about gay marriage?

O'Reilly perks up. His spine straightens. He squares his shoulders. He smiles broadly.


Yes. I believe I have some things I should want

to say about that!









I can't say what they are!

He slumps against the car wall and then slides down it to a kneeling position on the floor, head bent over, hands between his knees--an idol of defeat.

Savage leans toward O'Reilly, as if to comfort him, but then seems to think twice. Impotent frustration shows on his murky face.


(sniveling a little to himself)

What is this force? What is this force? It's

like something brought us here for some reason

that doesn't make sense.

Savage's eyes light up with sudden intuition.


Maybe it doesn't even know why it brought us


But then the light fades from his eyes.


But then what am I saying? It doesn't make any


He turns to O'Reilly, who is still slumped like a sack of Idaho spuds--eyes like TV viewers, wax like their ears!


Bill! Bill! The time! How long now?!


39 minutes...

Savage is horrified.


This can't be happening.

Suddenly, O'Reilly springs to his feet. His eyes visibly gleam.


Wait! I've got something! Why didn't I think

of it?

He turns to look at Savage.


Why didn't you think of it?

As nondescript as ever, Savage is now also almost non-verbal with excitement.



O'Reilly plunges one hand into his pocket, then yanks out... his CELL PHONE.


We can call someone!

Having already set to tapping at the thing, O'Reilly looks up, bemused.


What? Oh. Oh yeah.

He laughs.


Would you believe I almost forgot? I was just

going to re-read an editorial about gay

marriage I wrote at recently. I

figured that would have to cut through this

weird fog and remind me what my positions


He starts poking at his phone again. Savage is horrified.



O'Reilly looks at him.


Oh right!

He dials.


It's not ringing!

He looks at the phone.


No service!


(a little panicky)

Then how the fuck were you getting

O'Reilly studies the phone and then thinks for a moment. Then it hits him.


Cached view.

Savage hits himself on the forehead.


Hey! You've got no right to be mad! Where's

your cell phone?


I don't have it on me.


Well, well, I thought all you hip young

internet media savvy types kept your iphones

and pods and pads and whatnot on you at all




I left it in my car.

Both men are quiet for a while. When O'Reilly speaks, he's quieter.


Come on, hey, on the bright side, I can look up

what I think about gay marriage.



What do you think about gay marriage?


OK, I'll read you a quote here, straight from "I take a libertarian position on

issues like gay marriage because I want all

Americans to be able to pursue happiness


"However, I do understand that most Americans

believe heterosexual marriage deserves a

special place in our society. Our Judeo-

Christian traditions, which have made the

United States the most prosperous and just

society the world has ever known, speak to a

family built around a responsible mother and a

father—certainly the optimum when it comes to

raising children.

"I also understand that once America changes

marital law for one group, homosexuals, it

will have to allow plural marriages and other

types of situations under 'equal justice for

all.' Also, there is no question the

Scandinavian marriage model of anything goes

has led to a drastic decline in traditional


Savage, who has been making disgusted "tsking" noises throughout O'Reilly's reading is now flagging him down to ask a question.


Yes, Mr. Savage?


Do you say anywhere what the "Scandinavian

marriage model" is or how it has led to a

decline in traditional marriage?


Hm? Ah... I don't know. Let me see...

He looks at his phone for a while.


Well, not here. I tried to search a little,

but having only the cached view is limiting

what I can get at. Also, I'm not as savvy at

internet searches as you younger folks.

He offers Savage a grin, which is not returned.


But, you know, with Amsterdam and all of

that... Woo!

Savage only stares.


But there's a little more left to my editorial

on gay marriage. Maybe it'll clear things up?

He clears his throat and resumes reading:


"But you rarely hear those arguments

articulated in the media, which is largely

sympathetic to gay marriage. And not only

that, but people who feel strongly about

maintaining a special status for traditional

marriage have allowed themselves to be

intimidated. When was the last time you saw a

Catholic cardinal or archbishop speak against

gay marriage on television? I know—I've

invited some of them. They all turned me down.

"The truth is that pro-gay marriage forces

have succeeded in their bigot-branding

campaign and will not stop with marriage.

Because they won this public relations war,

you can expect to see the racist, bigot label

marketed in other controversial situations.

Already, abortion zealots are branding

pro-life people 'anti-woman' and 'anti-

privacy.' The left knows it has a powerful

cannon with this bigot stuff."

He clears his throat and coughs a little.


Sorry. Losing my voice. Anyway, that's mostly

it. There's about a paragraph more about

liberal states allowing it and conservative

states not and how we're less united than we

used to be, but that's really it. So there!

He gestures triumphantly with the phone at Savage, who has drifted into morose thought. O'Reilly is impatient.


See? That's what I think!